About me

Keerti AgrawalIn today’s fast paced lifestyle, we’ve made ourselves so busy earning a livelihood; we’re forgetting what living really means. We’re getting more and more disconnected with our body and it’s natural rhythm. How about slowing down, turning inward, and listening to the voice within? I believe we can greatly benefit from incorporating awareness in our everyday activities like breathing, cooking, eating, working, resting and simply being.

After working in the corporate world in USA for 20 years and travelling around the globe, in July 2015, I followed my heart to Beckenried, a small village in Central Switzerland, where i lived with my husband Lukas Wymann and our two cats – Nellie and Skylar. In summer of 2017, we bought a 400 year old house in Seelisberg, just 3 Km away from the historic Rütli meadow, the Birthplace of Switzerland. We spent the next 6 months restoring the house to its original glory. Truly a labor of Love and Sweat!!  

In my Cooking courses and Yoga & Meditation Sessions, I share how we can fully enjoy the moment at hand by simply being aware and allowing ourselves to be guided by the Heart rather than the Mind.

I grew up in a simple North Indian family as the youngest of three children. From my mother, I learnt the lesson of Love: "Love for all – irrespective of Race or Color of Skin". From my father, I learnt the lesson of respect: “Respect can never be demanded, it has to be earned.”

Love and Respect have therefore been my guiding principles in Life. Being in Nature, Cooking, Travelling and learning about new cultures, their traditions, languages and food are my passions. I speak six languages – German and Swiss German being the latest additions. “Thank You” is the first word I learn in any new langauage.

If you’d like to read a bit more about me, here’s an article published in Nidwaldner Zeitung.

And if you’d like to see Switzerland from my eyes, I invite you to visit my Blog.  

Thank You, Vielen Dank, Merci Beaucoup, Muchas Gracias, Grazie, Todah Rabah, Dhanyavaad, XieXie, Arigato and Asante Sana for visiting this page.